Sunday, December 9, 2007

It's Not Your Daddy's Camera Anymore; Now it's Digital.
The wonderful thing about Digital Photography is that it has added excitement to a field that was longing for some interest. It has sparked an intense effort in the new and rapidly growing field of development in photo electronics. Camera companies are kicking out the latest and greatest innovations faster than the consumer market can evaluate them. The prices of digital cameras is tumbling at a drastic rate, and today nearly everyone can be a so called ‘Photographer’ with the advent of a camera being built into the latest cell phone. I really shouldn’t say ‘latest’; they have been widely available for close the three years now.

The mainstay of serious photographers, in the past, has been the SLR, or single lens reflex. That is about to change. The life of a DSLR, or digital SRL is going to be short lived, or at least appears that way. There will always be a few who will stick with to the DSLR, more for the status it will bring or it will make them look more of ‘Professional.’ Today we have unlimited resolution in pixel development, Image Stabilization, Noise abatement, and Digital as well as Optical Zoom. The resolution and clarity in the every day photograph is truly phenomenal.

I remember back in the ‘40’s and ‘50’s we would shoot full-length pictures with the sun over our shoulder, and still you would have barely recognizably features. Portraits were made by professionals in a studio setting. You just didn’t try that with a hand held camera outside. Today, however, all of that has changed. The pictures at the right are quite typical of the digital age. Color, contrast, lighting, detail, clarity, and every other aspect of a color picture can be made to look any way you want it to look. The look of a photograph you take today is not determined when you snap the photo. Now, you take it into the Digital Darkroom; usually consisting of a desk or table, and a computer where your pictures go through a transformation known as Photo Editing. When you enter this area your creativity, and imagination are the only limiting factors.